Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
— Matthew 25:40

SERVE THE WORLD is being a disciple of Jesus Christ that involves not just your own relationship with God, but also sharing the love of Christ with others to transform the world. As the church, we are called to engage the hopes and hurts of our community and world. We are active in numerous crisis and transformative ministries. There are many ways to get involved, click on one of the organizations below to learn more:

Volunteer Opportunities, click here

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Community Kitchen
The Community Kitchen is a ministry established by Rome First UMC and other downtown churches that has grown into its own non-profit entity. Through this ministry, those in need are fed lunch every weekday. On average, 150 meals are served each day to men, women, and children. In 2012, more than 35,000 meals were served. Church members prepare the food and serve it the first full week of each month. Church members also regularly donate food to the Community Kitchen pantry and the church supports this ministry financially. Meals are served from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. There are several opportunities to volunteer in this ministry. You can help prepare the food, serve the food, or assist with cleanup (9:00 am – 1:00pm on serving days). You do not have to stay the entire time; many volunteers can work 1-2 hours at a time. Another opportunity is picking up donated food from various area restaurants and grocery stores. This is done on the third Tuesday of each month. The Community Kitchen is located at 4 Calhoun Avenue, Rome, GA 30161. For more information, contact the church office, or Melanie Baker at 706-346-6695.

Good Neighbor Ministries
Housed in a building on the Rome First campus, this is an all-volunteer, non-profit, faith-based organization supported by more than 20 local churches. With compassion and concern, this ministry is devoted to providing social services for those in need. In particular, rent assistance, medications, transportation, food, personal items and clothing are provided. Every effort is made to fulfill the client’s needs or to put them in touch with the proper resources. This ministry started because the area churches noticed an increasing number of Romans coming to them in need of financial assistance. Good Neighbor Ministries was formed in 1990 as a “clearing house” to provide financial assistance and also as the referral agency connecting clients with other appropriate services provided by the community. Church members volunteer for this ministry and the church supports it financially.

Hospitality House
Hospitality House provides shelter and services to adult and child victims of family violence. They provide a 24-hour crisis line, financial support for housing and transportation, relocation assistance, and several services. Hospitality House also provides family violence prevention services to the community and serve as advocates for victims of family violence. Hospitality House operates a thrift store in West Rome to support itself financially and several Rome First members volunteer at the store. For more information, see their website at Several Rome First members also serve on the Hospitality House Board.

Free Clinic
The Free Clinic is a ministry started through Rome First UMC in 2003 that has grown into its own non-profit organization. Through this ministry, healthcare professionals provide free, quality healthcare to those that cannot afford it. Presently, the Faith and Deeds Clinic will see patients on Mondays and Thursdays during the day and in the evenings. On Tuesdays, the office is open for new patient registration (but not medical appointments). The Clinic is closed on Wednesdays and Fridays. All patient appointments must be scheduled (no walk-ins.) Local doctors and nurses are needed as volunteers to provide care and non-medical volunteers are needed as receptionists and for administrative support. The Faith and Deeds Clinic is located at 101B John Maddox Dr., Rome, GA 30165. For more information you may email at or visit their website.

Stop Hunger Now
The 63,720 meals we packed in early November were shipped to Zambia the week of November 17th and will be distributed by the Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE.) ACE rescues children with little chance of survival otherwise, caring for them in one of three temporary crisis homes. ACE also empowers families to care for their children by providing milk, medicine and other basic necessities. When children have no family, ACE facilitates adoptions. ACE works alongside the Zambian people, respecting their insight about the ways they can be assisted in caring for their children and rebuilding their nation. In addition, ACE helps churches provide free primary and middle school education and nutritious daily lunches for over 2,500 needy children annually so that they may grow up to lead families, communities, and their country. Thank you people of Rome First for helping us feed 2,500 children!.

Murphy Harpst Children's Center
Located in Cedartown, Murphy-Harpst is a non-profit, residential treatment center for children who have been removed from their families primarily due to extreme cases of neglect or abuse. The stories of the children at Muphy-Harpst would break your heart if they could be shared. For nearly a century, Murphy-Harpst has successfully treated thousands of children by building the environment necessary to reverse the cycle of a lifetime of cruelty and neglect. Murphy-Harpst provides round-the-clock therapeutic care that enables children to heal and recover so that they can re-engage with society and lead productive lives. Their program has been ranked in the top-ten percent of its peers nationally. Members of Rome First UMC engage in a number of projects to support Murphy-Harpst. Needed supplies are collected, construction and beautification projects are completed, and holiday gifts are given. Our unit of the United Methodist Women is particularly involved with the Murphy-Harpst ministry. In addition to these hands-on endeavors, the church supports Murphy-Harpst with an annual offering and designated giving. For more information on Murphy-Harpst, click here.

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
The National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) is open to all individuals with mental illness and their families and/or caretakers. NAMI Rome provides monthly educational meetings, peer support group, family support group, family education course (Family to Family), peer education course (Peer to Peer), annual picnic, and annual Christmas Party. NAMI meets at Rome First UMC on Monday Evenings at 6:00 pm in the Wilder Center. In addition to hosting regular meetings, church members help with hospitality at NAMI social functions. For more information on NAMI, click here.

Rome First UMC proudly sponsors a United Methodist Missionary family. Our missionary family serves in a part of the world where Christianity is persecuted and for their safety, we cannot post their names or picture. The church supports them financially and prayerfully in order to enable their ministry. One way the church supports them is through our “52 Club.” Members pledge to give $52 a year ($1 a week). Our family serve through the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries.

Rapid Rehousing
In partnership with Rome Action Ministries, Rome First UMC sponsors a Rapid Rehousing home in the Rome area. The house provides safe and comfortable housing as the resident works on life and job skills and becomes self-sufficient. In addition to the financial support for the house, a support team of Rome First members works with the family on a regularly and occasionally helps with needed items like school supplies.

If you have any questions, or would like to get more involved with Serve the World, contact the Director of Mission, Melanie Baker, at